Figures in the Park

L.S. Lowry

R.B.A., R.A.

lowry figures in the park

"Figures in the park"
Signed, Limited edition print of 100
Published 12th January, 1976
Published by Peinture
Copyright in all countries
Image size 16"x 12"
L.S. Lowry born in 1887, has been described as naif. He is in fact a vastly accomplished artist with a love and kindness unique in art today. Famed for his depiction of industrial lanscapes in Lancashire, his own feeling in fact reaches much deeper and towards the people themselves of the North. This picture of some figures in Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester, is a great personal favourite of Lowry's and all the characters in this stting were well known to him. "The poor cripple was always around when I visited the gardens" said Lowry, "until the hrd winter about 1968 then I never saw him again, I think the cold must have killed him off. You see that lady in the foreground, she was a University lecturer, who must have had a brainstorm, sometimes she would speak so beautifully and with such intelligence, the next moment she would blaspheme so vehemently everyone nearby would move off. She verbally attacked the man standing in the background so much, that he just had to walk away. Now that man in the niddle distance used to walk his dog every day whatever the weather. I never went to the park when he wasn't there with his little scottie dog. The child standing by the cripple was so often alone, poor little thing... always smiling yet his mother nowhere to be seen." "This painting took me two years, I just couldn't get it right. The colour of the canvas reminded me of a dirty school boy's face, so I put it in the sink and scrubbed it hard! Afterwards it seemed fine. Anyway I was satisfied with it, I really think this is the best painting I ever did of a cripple. Don't you?"

This is one of the most restricted limited publications ever of L.S. Lowry R.A. Each porint has been examined by the 88 year old artisr and his seal of approval of this work is emphasised by his personal wish to allow only 100 copuies to be signed.

phone England 01623 799 309 or mobile 07974 371 255 We hope that you will browse and enjoy Paintings and signed prints by wildlife artist David Shepherd,here
Also the work of William Russell Flint whose paintings and signed prints are regsarded as some of the finest watercolours in the world. Click here
The work of Mr L.S. Lowry has become of great artistic and financial importance of recent years. A selection of his prints and paintings can be viewed here
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